Why is the information that I learned in the two past weeks not covered in American history textbooks in high school or college? What did I learn over the past two weeks. I first learned about the Oronteus Finaeus Map. This is a map of Antarctica with no ice. We are taught that the first map of Antarctica was made in the 1900s, but this map was made thousands of years earlier. I also learned about the Los Lunas Stone, the Bat Creek Stone, and the West Virginia Cave Inscription. Barry Fell who was a invertebrate biology at Harvard and expert at ancient languages concluded that Europeans came to America thousands of years before Columbus did. This caused a feud because people were so attached with Columbus first that they didn’t want the truth. These languages started getting found all around the world, so it was concluded that Fell’s idea of Europeans coming before Columbus was confirmed. Fell wrote books about these languages and pre-Columbus visits, so soon the world knew about it.
Why is none of this information covered in American history textbooks in high school or college? One of the big reasons is that since people were lied to for so long that they forgot. Teachers knew once, but they didn’t tell their students. Soon enough people just forgot about these ideas and are now teaching lies without even knowing it. The people that do know about the truth think that they’ll lose their job if they teach the truth. And they might, because those in charge of them believe that Columbus came first. The students also don’t care either way. They don’t think that this will affect their life in anyway, so they accept the lie and don’t look into it.