What problems do price controls cause? According to the Dictionary, price control is “a government regulation establishing a maximum price to be charged for specified goods and services, especially during periods of war or inflation.” Price controls can do things like cause shortages, make hour long lines, and make things become too expensive. price control doesn’t work, but the governments around the world keep doing it. I don’t know why, but it isn’t anything good to do. 

What is the origin of money? Well what is money? Money is a medium of exchange. A medium of exchange is something everyone wants and is worth something. But the government can’t just say “This is money. It is worth something. Starting today, it is the new medium of exchange.” That wouldn’t work. People used to get things using barter, which is trading one thing for another. This was difficult because you had to find someone that had what you wanted, but also wanted what you had. So people started using gold as a medium of exchange. They traded their item for gold and then bought what they wanted. This was happening for years, but gold was hard to carry around because it was too heavy. So the government introduced paper money that represented gold. One dollar of paper money represented one dollar of gold. They couldn’t print more money without finding gold. This worked greatly and society thrived, but then the government got greedy and started printing as much money as they wanted without finding gold. This caused inflation and it ruined everyone who made their savings in paper money. The government robbed everyone of their money and they still do it today. 

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