Was Bradford’s account a morality tale for future generations? Who was William Bradford? William Bradford was an emigrant to Plymouth Colony in 1620. While in Plymouth, he wrote a book called Of Plymouth Plantation. According to Study.com, “ This book focuses mainly on the journey of the pilgrims from England to North America and discusses the founding of the Plymouth settlement. It gives his opinions on the biblical importance of the pilgrims reaching America and their struggles. The second book was not completely finished because of Bradford’s death.” This essay is about Bradfords account. This book was Bradfords account. Because of this, I’m going to simplify the book for you. 

this book begins with many Europeans fleeing England because of persecution. These emigrants fled to Leiden. Leiden is across the ocean from England in the Netherlands. Anyway, the emigrants stayed in Leiden for twelve years. While they were there, they had a debate of whether to stay or not. They chose to leave and hired a ship and some left Holland. Apparently at Southampton, the promised supplies were less than they expected. So they had to sell supplies to gain one hundred pounds. When they were about to start one of their ships the Speedwell had a leak, so some of those people boarded the mayflower while the rest went back to London. The Pilgrims landed at Cap Code and spent November there. In December they sent ten men to scout to find a better place to stay. Some Indians attacked the men, but they scared them away with their guns. Nobody was hurt. The ten men soon found a harbor and told the others. The pilgrims moved their and built a storehouse and a small house. Half of the pilgrims died by then because of no food, the cold, and a disease called scurvy. And now for the part that everyone knows. Squanto and Samoset arrived. Squanto lived in England for a time because he was kidnapped as a kid. At England he learned English, so he was the translator for everyone. They showed the pilgrims how to hunt, farm, and fish. Soon the chief Massasoit arrives and makes a treaty with them. Then the pilgrim started getting threats from local Indians. This forced them to build a wall and soon a fort. While this happens, Bradford becomes governor and their harvest is sparce. And then another ship arrives. The pilgrims are scared that these new people will eat all their food, but the new people are scared that the pilgrims will eat all the food that they brought. They solve this problem by everyone eating their own food. The pilgrims then stated to trade with England using wampum for trade. The Indians noticed this and started doing the same. The king of England made a law to not sell guns to Indians. Captain Wollaston and Morton. Wollaston moves to Virginia, but Wollaston stays and sells guns to Indians. He was told to stop, but he didn’t. Captain Miles Standish is forced to take him back to England. In 1632 the region became very prosperous. 

Was Bradford’s account a morality tale for future generations? In a way yes it is. 

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