Is it counterfeiting when government-licensed banks create money out of nothing? Counterfeiting is when someone illegally prints money. The government does this everyday. By doing this they rob us. There is this place called the federal reserve. There the money is printed. Money used to have some value, but due to inflation the dollar dill has lose much of its value. We used to have something called the gold standard. It was a law for the federal reserve saying that they couldn’t print more money than the amount of gold America had. Everyone’s dollar bills represented the same amount of money they had in gold. Gold was hare to carry and trade, so the government put us on the gold standard. Then our money had value. Now it does not, because the government took us off the gold standard. Now they just print as much as they want nonstop.
Is it counterfeiting when government-licensed banks create money out of nothing? Yes it is. Our dollar bill should be represented by something. Since it is not, when the government prints money there is no value in it. Just like counterfeit. We are still getting robbed of the value of our money the more the government prints. Even if it is government approved.