How does making a budget reduce impulse shopping? According to, “A budget is a plan you write down to decide how you will spend your money each month. A budget helps you make sure you will have enough money every month. Without a budget, you might run out of money before your next paycheck.” A budget is extremely helpful. Adults budget and kids budget. Budgeting helps you save money and buy things you need instead of junk. Adults use budgets to better take care of their family, pay for taxes, and make sure they have enough for whatever else they need. Kids use budgets to save up for college, a car, a family, and other thing that they’ll need for the future. 

According to Verywell Mind, “Impulse shopping involves buying items that a person was not planning to purchase.” This happens almost every time I go to the store with my mom. We go in for five things and we come out with twenty. Women do this almost every time they go in a store. Because of this, they don’t get everything that they need and go into debt. This is where a budget comes in. With a budget you can get everything that you need and have some leftover for yourself. People don’t budget for multiple reasons, one of which is because they think it’s too hard. It’s really not. Every time you get paid you need to set some money aside for taxes, some for food, some for supplies, and any leftover can be for yourself or you can save up. 

So how does a budget reduce impulse shopping. A budget helps you save money. If y make a budget, then you’ll have an excuse for not buying everything you see. A budget will save you money and time. A budget stops people from spending everything on what they want, and so it stops impulse shopping. 

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