Did the literary documents Little Flowers and Late Medieval Literature give guidance in their era as to how a typical Christian should live? The author of this story is unknown, but many believe it to have been written by Father Ugolino da Santa Maria. According to Wikipedia, “Most scholars are now agreed that Ugolino was the author of the Fioretti, or Little Flowers of St. Francis, in their original form. Ugolino was probably one of several collectors of traditions in the Marches. The Fioretti appears to have been written sometime between 1322 and 1328.” The book has 53 small chapters and it was based on the life of St. Francis of Assisi.
According to Wikipedia “Medieval literature is a broad subject, encompassing essentially all written works available in Europe and beyond during the Middle Ages. The literature of this time was composed of religious writings as well as secular works.” One of these pieces of literature is The Song of Roland. According to Wikipedia “The Song of Roland is an 11th-century chanson de geste based on ]the Frankish military leader Roland at the Battle of Roncevaux in AD 778, during the reign of the Carolingian king Charlemagne.” According to Cornell College, “Olivier: Roland’s best friend, comrade, and the brother of Aude. He is also referred to as Oliver.” According to Cornell College “Roland: Charlemagne’s nephew and leader of the French army’s rear guard.” This poem twisted the historical event of the Battle of Roncevaux Pass in 778. In the poem there was an invasion of Spain by the ruler Charlemagne to help a set of Muslims to defeat another set of Muslims. Even though this poem twisted the real event in so many ways to the point it made no sense, the Europeans still liked it.
In little flowers is says that people should be loving and kind, but it says the friars should do this not the common man. In The Song of Roland it says that you should be brave, but also prideful which is wrong.
Did the literary documents Little Flowers and Late Medieval Literature give guidance in their era as to how a typical Christian should live? Yes on some thing and no to the others.