Did the Gettysburg Address use Christian language and imagery to support the Union cause? This speech was spoken on November 19, 1863. It was spoken by Abraham Lincoln, the president of the United States. It was spoken directly to the citizens of Gettysburg. The speech was spoken at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery during the American Civil War. Today, the Soldiers’ National Cemetery is known as the Gettysburg National Soldier Cemetery in Pennsylvania. What was the Gettysburg Address’s main point? According to study.com, “The main message of the Gettysburg Address is that ideals are worth dying for and that it is up to the living to carry on the work of those who died to protect ideals. The ideals of equality and freedom are the bedrock of the United States as a nation.” Now why was it written? What was its purpose for being created? According to gettysburgbattlefieldtours.com, “As the Battle of Gettysburg was a Union victory often cited as a turning point in the Civil War, the 17 acres of land was purchased to dedicate to the Union soldiers who lost their lives in the battle. The speech was to memorialize dead Union soldiers and emphasize the importance of maintaining united states.”
The American Civil war is pretty well known. It was a war between the north and the south of the United States. The war was on whether the South could have slaves, or to just release them. The North side was known as the Union , and the South side was known as the Confederacy. Lincoln was on the side of the Union. He wanted to free the slaves, but not let them in America. He believed that They were too stupid to live in America and thought that they should be shipped back to Africa. Lincoln wanted to reunite the north and the south under one nation. Not to disregard the south completely.
Did the Gettysburg Address use Christian language and imagery to support the Union cause? Here’s an example for why it did. In first Corinthians, Paul wanted to recognize his fellow Christ-followers who were doing very important work to unite everyone under one God. He also wants them to know that their work is not in vain. In Lincoln’s speech, he talks about the soldiers who were were trying to unite America under one nation and that their work is not in vain. Another example is when in the Bible, Jesus was saying that everyone was equal in His eyes and everyone was worth as much to Him as much as another. In Lincolns speech, he states the they are not fighting the civil war for the Union, but for human equality.