Procrastination kills. According to Google procrastination is “the action of delaying or postponing something.” You may be wondering why the title is procrastination kills and what it kills. Well to answer both questions according to “Sid Savara”, procrastination kills “productivity, ambition, opportunities, motivation, progress, projects you long for most, dreams, and one minute, one hour, and one day at a time. And every week or month, when you wonder where the time went, if you procrastinated- then procrastination is slowly killing you.” For a moment let’s say that you promised your best friend that you would do something with them, but then something comes up at work. You postpone that until later and you to your friends house. Well the next day it’s too late and you go out of business. I’m not saying that you should not spend time with your friend, I’m saying that your friend will understand more than where you work. As it says in Ephesians 5:15-17 “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. That is a very good on using your time wisely. Here is another good verse on spending your time wisely.” It is Proverbs 6:6-8 “Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.” It is a verse on laziness. These two verses can be very helpful in your life. Listen too them and meditate on them and listen to them. They will help you so be diligent. Get rid of procrastination and laziness. That will help your business grow even bigger. 

Would Walden have been a better book if Thoreau had supplied more background information on his life? Henry David Thoreau was an  American naturalist, essayist, poet, philosopher, and a leading transcendentalist. As a transcendentalist Thoreau believed that the only reality was in the spiritual world and the only way to get rid of peoples problems was the free development of emotions. I know that that was not true. He is mainly known for his autobiography Walden. It is about his life living on Walden Pond. He wrote in his autobiography “I lived alone, in the woods, a mile from any neighbor, in a house which I had built myself, on the shore of Walden Pond, in Concord, Massachusetts, and earned my living by the labor of my hands only. I lived there two years and two months. At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.” He said that his reason for going there was to get a business with few obstacles because he thought a business would be easy there.

Would Walden have been a better book if Thoreau had supplied more background information on his life? Well my answer is no. His autobiography is named Walden and it tells of his life on Walden Pond. It wouldn’t make sense for Thoreau to write about his whole life if the book was called Walden. Also the book was very confusing. more detail would of made it even more confusing. I have had to read a great deal of autobiography’s and Walden is the most confusing one. These are the reasons of why the answer to this question is no. If you read this book read slowly and do your best to focus on the writing style that Thoreau uses. 

Was Thoreau dependent on the division of labor while he was living on Walden Pond? Thoreau’s full name was Henry David Thoreau. You may already know who he was, but according to Google “Henry David Thoreau was an American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher. A leading transcendentalist, he is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay “Civil Disobedience”, an argument for disobedience to an unjust state.” According to Google “Transcendentalism is a 19th-century movement of writers and philosophers in New England who were loosely bound together by adherence to an idealistic system of thought based on a belief in the essential unity of all creation.” His book Walden tells of his life living on the shore of Walden Pond. In Thoreau’s book he wrote “I lived alone, in the woods, a mile from any neighbor, in a house which I had built myself, on the shore of Walden Pond, in Concord, Massachusetts, and earned my living by the labor of my hands only. I lived there two years and two months. At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.” He also in his autobiography wrote why he was living on the shore of Walden Pond. “My purpose in going to Walden Pond was not to live cheaply nor to live dearly there, but to transact some private business with the fewest obstacles; to be hindered from accomplishing which for want of a little common sense, a little enterprise and business talent, appeared not so sad as foolish.” He also said that he thought that Walden Pone would be a good place for business. According to Google the division of labor is “the assignment of different parts of a manufacturing process or task to different people in order to improve efficiency”.

Was Thoreau dependent on the division of labor while he was living on Walden Pond? That answer is yes. In the first chapter he wrote how he built his house and how much it would cost. He used division of labor when he bout supplies to build his house and when he bought food. He may have also bought fishing gear. “At night there was never a traveler passed my house, or knocked at my door, more than if I were the first or last man; unless it were in the spring, when at long intervals some came from the village to fish for pouts—they plainly fished much more in the Walden Pond of their own natures, and baited their hooks with darkness—but they soon retreated, usually with light baskets, and left “the world to darkness and to me,” and the black kernel of the night was never profaned by any human neighborhood.” 

How could I adopt Northup’s technique of using contrasts? If you read my last paper “The differences between Northup’s response to separation from his children and Eliza’s response to separation from her children” or read his autobiography “Up From Slavery” you would know who Solomon Northup was. If you haven’t done either do so and here is a brief overview of his life. Northup was a free African-American who was born in New York. He was tricked into slavery and was told not to tell anyone he was a free man or he would be killed. He was greatly valued by his last master. He talked to a white man who did not believe in slavery who sent a note to some of Northup’s friends in New York. Soon enough they came for Northup and he went home to his family. 

I love to read. Solomon Northup’s autobiography up from slavery was well written. He put detail in his book which just made me want to read more of it. Another reason I like this man is because he hated slavery before he witnessed it. In an earlier paper I wrote about why slavery was evil. Northup witnessed  everything that I wrote in that paper. 

And to the question, How could I adopt Northup’s technique of using contrasts? Well I could Watch things closely in my life and write it down or journal it. Contrasts happen everywhere. I just have to know when and where to look for them. 

An add for the Ron Paul Curriculum. For half my life I have been using the Ron Paul Curriculum for my school. Here are reasons why others should. 

1# It uses electronics so it is easily portable. 

2# You right a paper every week. Researching helps you learn more. 

3# It teaches about truth.

4# Self-Discipline

5# You can focus easier. 

6# It prepares you for collage. 

7# It teaches kindergarten through 12th grade. 

These are the main reasons on why Ron Paul Curriculum is best for school. 

Two possible USP’s for the Ron Paul Curriculum. USP means Unique Selling Prepositions. I am going to use papers and professors for this paper. Here are the reasons why I think these two are unique. 

Papers. I think papers are unique because most schools don’t do them. And the ones that do don’t do them often. In Ron Paul Curriculum I have to write a paper every week. I am now used to them and can write one easily. This paper is one of my assignments. Usually kids in schools just have tests which helps them remember what they learned, but with Ron Paul Curriculum I can learn more.

Professors. I homeschool which means that my mom has to teach me. But now I can use the Ron Paul Curriculum without my mom teaching me and still learning the truth. I say that because mast schools teach kids evolution like that the earth is billions of years old when it’s not really. With professors teaching me I’m not distracted. And I can search on the internet for information so that I can understand better. For on final time A professor told me to write this paper.  

The differences between Northup’s response to separation from his children and Eliza’s response to separation from her children. Solomon Northup was and American because he was born in America as a free man in New York. He was a expert violinist and famous in New York at the time. When his family was on vacation some men asked him if he wanted to have a part in a circus. He said yes because he thought he would be back home before his family. When they got to their meeting place Northup was drudged him and sold him into slavery. They also robbed him of his papers that said he was a free man. When he was sold he kept telling his “master” that he was a free man, but the man just warned Northup to not talk about being a free man or he would be severely whipped. His family didn’t  know  where he went, because he didn’t leave a note. In his autobiography “Up From Slavery” he explained of how he could do nothing, but think of them all night long. 

Eliza was a slave that had two children named Randell and Emily. Eliza and her children were on the same boat to the south that Eliza was. They were all separated through slavery. And to the question The differences between Northup’s response to separation from his children and Eliza’s response to separation from her children. Northup had to travel without his family which was more pain full than traveling with his which was what Eliza did. But Eliza’s family was separated and Northup knew that his was safe back home. 

The autobiography’s of slaves that I have read in Ron Paul Curriculum this year all prove of how evil slavery was. If you read Northup’s autobiography you will understand the pain of slavery. 

An ad to a friend to persuade your friend to persuade his/her parents to sign up for the Ron Paul Curriculum. From experience I think that parents should let their kids use the Ron Paul Curriculum for school. This website teaches kids the truth about life and everything instead of what most schools do. Kids can do it at home or anywhere because it’s on a device. Also no one is where kids are doing school unless it’s parents or brothers and sisters, which means no distractions. School is much easier with Ron Paul Curriculum and it teaches you more than going to school does. And you don’t have to wake up early to start school, but you can. This is why kids should use the Ron Paul Curriculum for their school.

Did Thompson provide persuasive evidence that South’s slave system was morally evil? First of all Thompson’s full name was John Thompson. He was a slave in Maryland. He was born in 1812. In his family there was him, his mother, father, and six brothers and sisters. He was a slave at a young age and knew what it felt like to be severely punished. He also barely knew his sister because she was sold at a young age.

The time Thompson was  born slavery was very common. Everywhere in North America people were being taken away from their family’s And being beaten to death sometimes for the fun of it. Back to the question. Did Thompson provide persuasive evidence that South’s slave system was morally evil? Yes. He tells about African-Americans getting kidnaped from Africa and being taken to North America. Then getting sold (sometimes not with your family) and being taken to a place where you work all day and get punished. If you don’t know what slavery is according to Google it means “the state of being a slave.” A slave according to Google is “a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.” Americans believed that because African-Americans had a different skin color God cared about them less. Many slaves tried running away because slavery was so evil. Few succeeded because a price was put on them. The ones who succeeded couldn’t do much with their live anywhere close to where they were slaves because they would be known. If you want to hear more about Thompson’s you can read my paper “What was Thompson’s theory of the relationship between sanctions and slavery?” Or you can read his autobiography. 

15 benefits of the Ron Paul Curriculum. 1# It can be done on electronics at home instead of going to school every morning. 2# It uses essays every four lessons. Papers are a good way on learning more. This is an essay! 3# It teaches the truth about God and the Bible instead of evolution. 4# It teaches me things that I can use anytime in my life. 5# Homeschooling is easier because Kids don’t have to wait turns for their moms help. 6# It tells me how to act with others. 7# You can focus easier because your not surrounded with other people. 8# You can understand things better. 9# You don’t have to wait to use the bathroom. You can just pause the lesson. 10# You can rewind the lesson if you miss something. 11# You can finish school faster. 12# It has enough lessons that you and your family can go on trips. 13# It teaches me to retain important information. 14# You get to read important books. 15# You learn to sell things.