When the Trojan war came to an end Odysseus decided to return home to his wife and son. Odysseus and his men get hungry on the way back so when they found an island they stoped there and looked for food. They go into a cave to see if anyone lives there and a cyclops comes in. The cyclops shuts the door and makes a fire then sees Odysseus and and his men. The cyclops eats two men and agrees to eat Odysseus last because of the wine he made. The cyclops goes to sleep then Odysseus and his men put a spear into the fire until it was red the stuck it into the cyclops eye.

They escape and sail to an island called Aeolia. There the king of winds lived. Aeolus greeted Odysseus and his men well. Odysseus asked if Aeolus could make the winds take them to their island and he agreed. When they were almost home Odysseus’s men thought there was gold in the bag that held the east, south, and north winds in it and opened the bag. the winds leapt and blew them back to Aeolia. Aeolus became furious and made them leave his island.

Soon they came to another island and this time Odysseus sent three men to investigate. Those three found a girl getting water and she told them to go to the king of that island where they would be welcomed. The three went to the king and found out that the people were cannibals! The king jumped on one and ate him alive while the others ran back to tell Odysseus. The cannibals started throwing huge boulders at the ships and only Odysseus’s escaped.

Soon they came to another island called Aedea. Odysseus sent 23 men to investigate. Those men found a castle and a woman named Circe offered them some food. They ate like hogs so Circe who was an enchantress turned them into hogs. One man escaped and told Odysseus and he went himself to confront her. On the way a god gave Odysseus an herb so Circes magic couldn’t work on him. Odysseus made her turn his men back into people and to tell him the way home.

They were to go to a river and make a blood sacrifice and a ghost would tell them how to reach home. After that they sailed past a cave and a six headed monster came out and ate six men. The boat escaped and came to the island of the sun god. The crew, but not Odysseus ate two of the sun gods cattle and that made Zeus so mad that he threw a lightning bolt at the ship. Only Odysseus survived so he made a raft and sailed home where his wife and son hadn’t forgotten about him. Odysseus disguised as a beggar and found out that many men were trying to marry his wife so he killed all of them and lived the rest of his life with his wife and his son.

Step one get attention, step two identify the problem or need, step three position your product (or service) as the solution, step four prove your case, and step five ask for the order. 

Step one, Get attention. There are many ways to get peoples attention like a billboard or an add on the internet. Sometimes you might see little signs in the ground when your driving. 

Step two, Identify the problem. On step one I mentioned a billboard On a billboard you can state a problem most businesses have, say you can fix it and the price it is. Or if you have a restaurant then you could make an add about it. 

Step three, Position your product (or service) as the solution. I already said this, but on a billboard you can state how your business helps other businesses.

Step four, Prove your case. Well you cannot write a lot on a billboard, but if someone wants to try your business, but doesn’t know if they can trust it they may look it up on the internet. That is why you need to have an article about your business where people reading it know they can trust your business.

Step five, Ask for order. If they choose no then there’s always more people, but if they say yes then GREAT JOB! I hope that L could help you with this paper.

What was the of importance of ethics and sanctions in the story of Noah and the Flood? Noah is one of the most well known people in the Bible for building the ark. In Genesis 6:8 it states that “Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.” During Noah’s time everyone was wicked except Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives who all loved God. Since there was s much wickedness on earth God regrated creating man. So He decided to flood the earth and start over, but instead of destroying al man God saved Noah and his family. God told them to make an ark out of Gopherwood and pitch. No one today really knows what Gopherwood is because it may have gotten destroyed in the flood. The ark may have taken up to 75 years to build! Genesis 6:15 says “This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high.” That’s about the size of one and a half football fields. Genesis 6:16-22 “16 Make a roof for it, leaving below the roof an opening one cubit high all around. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks. 17 I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish. 18 But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark—you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you. 19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. 20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive. 21 You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them. 22 Noah did everything just as God commanded him.” When Noah finished building the ark he, his family, and the animals went on board the ship. And after seven days God shut the door. Noah was six hundred years old when it started to rain. They were on the boat for over a year and during all that time all the animals were friends and ate plants. When it was done raining Noah sent out ravens. Then he sent out a dove to see if the waters had receded and the dove came back. after seven days he sent out the dove and it came back with an olive leaf! After seven more days he sent out the dove and it never came back. Soon enough God told Noah to come out of the ark. Noah and his family gave an offering to God and God made a promise never to flood the earth again and that promise was a rainbow.

In this week of 10th Grade Business for Ron Paul Curriculum I have been learning about franchise. According to Franchise.org “A franchise (or franchising) is a method of distributing products or services involving a franchisor, who establishes the brand’s trademark or trade name and a business system, and a franchisee, who pays a royalty and often an initial fee for the right to do business under the franchisor’s name and system.” This means that you pay a fee of a business to run that part of the business. Some examples are Taco Bell, Chick-fil-a, and Aldi. 

When you go independent you do your own thing. There are many things that a franchise can help you with that going independent can not. For one if you go independent your business may not be successful while with a franchise you know you will get money. There are many other things that a franchise can help you with that going independent can not.

According to Franchise.org: “There are two different types of franchising relationships. Business Format Franchising is the type most identifiable. In a business format franchise, the franchisor provides to the franchisee not just its trade name, products and services, but an entire system for operating the business.” So if you are thinking about starting a business then maybe try franchising first, but if you already have you probably know how to keep a business running.

There is not much known about Mycenaean Greece. But some things we do know about them are that they were military aggressive and they traded widely. There could of been a Trojan war, but no one really knows. At a time there was a dark age where trade stopped and there was fighting all over the place.

In the Iliad there was a man named Hector. Hector was a Trojan. He was well-known because he helped win a battle. He was killed by Achilleas. Achilleas dragged Hectors dead body around on the ground tied to a chariot and doesn’t bury him. Then Hectors father pleads to Achilleas and gets his son back to bury him.

The business that I want to write about is Taco Bell. The first topic is sales and marketing. That is when the people who work there try to get others to go eat there. They have ads, they have coupons , and they are on different apps. Their job is to find customers then sell to the customers. The second area of business is operations. Operations is how the food is made, or the food is bought, and what everyone’s  job is. They have different options to buy they’re products. One is buying them at different stores. another is getting food straight from farmers. There are four main jobs. The Team member, Cashier, Hostess, and Manager. All of these roles are important in their own ways. The third and last area of business is Finance and Administrations. This is how they handle their money. They need to buy only what they need, pay the employ’s, and keep it safe. These three things are important to having a good business. 

Abraham had two sons named Jacob and Esau. Jacob stole Esau’s birthright and was chased out. Jacob found his uncle and worked for him seven years for his uncle’s younger daughter, but he was tricked and got the older daughter. So Jacob worked another seven years and got the younger daughter. Jacob had twelve sons, and his favorite Joseph who was the second youngest. The other brothers were jealous and sold him into slavery to Egypt and told their father that he was killed by a wild animal. Joseph worked for a man named Potiphar, but got in trouble with Potiphar’s wife and went to jail. Two men there had dreams and Joseph interpreted them. One would die and one would work for the Pharaoh again. They came true, but then the Pharaoh started having dreams. Joseph was taken out of prison to interpret the Pharaoh’s dreams. They meant that there would be seven good years of harvest and then seven years of famine. For this he was second in charge of everything. Soon his brothers came looking for food because the famine had taken out their crops. Joseph revealed himself to them and they moved to Egypt to live with him. Soon a new pharaoh came and didn’t know joseph so he put the Israelites into slavery. Then Moses came and led them out of Egypt and led them through the wilderness the Promise Land.

 ” In the beginning God Created the Heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1. In Genesis 1 the chapter tells of how God created the universe. On day one God said “Let there be light” and there was light and God saw that it was good. In chapter 1 Whatever God said came true. He spoke the world into existence. When God Created light He separated it from the darkness. Verse 5 says God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning–the first day. 6 And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water.” In verse 6 God separated the waters from each other. this was on day two. If you’re wondering how God could separate the waters without making them in verse 2 it say that the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. On day three God Created land and every kind of plant. On day four God Created the planets and everything in space so that we could tell time. On day five God Created every living creature in the waters and every winged bird. On day six God Created Every other living thing. And then God created one  man. 

Genesis 2 tells about the seventh day and how man and woman and created. On day seven God rested and saw that everything He made was good. God saw that no one was there to work on his creation and so he formed dust and breathed into man’s nostrils. God gave him dominion over everything and told him to eat of any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for it would kill him. Next, man named every animal and saw that they all had another. So God put Adam into a great sleep and pulled out one of his ribs and made another. And Adam called her woman because she was taken from man. The two were both naked and were not ashamed. So in this chapter God makes man and woman and all the animals are named. 

Genesis 3 in these verses they tell the fall of man. Verses 1-7 1Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, `You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”2The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,3but God did say, `You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’“4“You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman.5“For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”6When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.7Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. In these verses is the story of the fall of man. Man and woman disobeyed God and they knew right from wrong. And God was walking through the forest looking for them even though He already knew where they were hiding. God punished the serpent by making him cursed that he should crawl on his belly and eat dust. The woman was punished by having to be in pain when having children. And Adam was punished so that he would have to work for his food. They were kicked out of Eden and put cherubim with flaming swords flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life. It was then that Adam named the woman Eve.

If I pay for 100% of my college education, would I be better off if my parents will give me a college graduation present: half of the money they presently plan to pay for my college costs? If my parents paid for me to go to college they probably won’t have enough for my siblings. If I paid for me to go to college then My siblings could maybe go. I would need to get a small business or a small job and use savings. Either I could pay 100% for me to go to college, My parents could pay 100% for me to go to college, or I could pay most money and my parents some. What I want to do is have a small business and pay for myself to go and if my parents want to help I’ll let them. College is very expensive which means that I would have to pay a lot to go to college. This is my plan for me to get into college. 

What was Equiano’s attitude regarding his life in the British Navy? According to Wikipedia “Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745 – 31 March 1797), known for most of his life as Gustavus Vassa was a writer and abolitionist from, according to his memoir, the Eboe region of the Kingdom of Benin (today southern Nigeria). Enslaved as a child in Africa, he was taken to the Caribbean and sold as a slave to a Royal Navy officer. He was sold twice more but purchased his freedom in 1766.” When Equiano was eleven he and his sister were at home by themselves while the adults were working, which was normal. Not long after that Equiano was separated from his sister and taken into slavery.  This happened often. If you read some of my earlier essays about slavery you would have read how evil slavery was. According to Merriam-Webster, slavery means “the state of being a slave.” And according to Merriam-Webster a slave is “a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.” That means that a person can buy an African-American and force him to work for him without getting paid and with little food. Back then white men were evil to whip African-Americans and make them feel that no one cared about them. White men thought that God cared less about African-Americans just because they were a different slave color. They were wrong.

And back to the topic. What was Equiano’s attitude regarding his life in the British Navy? This answer is surprising. I think that he thought of the British Navy was actually positive. What was funny about this was that when Equiano first saw the Sailors of the British Navy he thought that they were going to eat him. He asked someone who was on the ship if they were going to eat him and he said no. Equiano finally and thankfully got over his fear. I’m really glad that slavery does not exist anymore.