What was the attitude of most Christian writers toward the philosophers of ancient Greece? The Christians and philosophers had some things in common, but not all. Few philosophers believed that there was a Creator, but most didn’t. The Christian writer most likely thought that the philosophers weren’t doing things correctly.

What kinds of contributions did the monks make to European society? The monks loved God, but they did some unusual things. one of these things is giving up everything maybe even their clothes to serve God. 

Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, philosopher, and academic sceptic. many people believe that Cicero was one of the greatest rhetoric masters in history. According to the dictionary rhetoric is “the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.” Cicero was very persuasive, more than most people in his time. Catiline’s full name was Lucius Sergius Catilina. According to Wikipedia “Catiline was a Roman politician and soldier. He is best known for instigating the Catilinarian conspiracy, a failed attempt to violently seize control of the Roman state in 63 BC.

How important was the rhetorical Context of Cicero’s orations: his listeners’ fear of Catiline’s conspiracy and army? According to the dictionary oration is “a formal speech, especially one given on a ceremonial occasion.” Basically the Catilinarian conspiracy was an oration from Cicero to Catiline where he was being rhetoric to get Catiline out of the city. The main key in Cicero’s speeches was to be rhetoric. The rhetoric in his speeches is the thing that impacted people. Because Cicero was being so rhetoric Catiline could not answer him, nor could anyone else there. Cicero kept on talking and not giving anyone else time to answer and that is how he got the time to be rhetoric. 

The Catilinarian conspiracy was Cicero confronting Catiline. Catiline was thought to be trying to overthrow Rome. So Cicero confronted him to get out of the city with his army. Catiline did go after the first part of this speech. In the rest of the speech Cicero was telling everyone else to beware of Catiline. To trust Cicero because he claimed the gods sent him to do this. And to be ready if there is a war. When Cicero was confronting Catiline Cicero said four different orations which were all pointed at Catiline and getting him out of the city. 

Because of Cicero’s rhetoric speech he successfully got Catiline out of Rome. Cicero was well trained with rhetoric speeches so this one was easy. If not for Cicero, Catiline might have attacked and successfully destroyed Rome. 

Saul was a persecutor (killer) of Christians in the time of Jesus. Saul’s story is located in the book of Acts. Saul was an evil person because he captured Christians and brought them to a place where they would be killed. Saul is better known as Paul. The story of how Saul became Paul is found in Acts 9: 1-9.

Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”

“Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked.

“I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”

The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.

When Saul received sight again he went and praised the Lord and preaching about Him. Soon enough he was renamed Paul. He also wrote many books of the Bible. Some of these are Galatians, Romans, 1 Corinthians, and 2 Corinthians. 

If you had been Catiline, what would you have said to undermine Cicero’s case? Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, philosopher, and academic sceptic. many people believe that Cicero was one of the greatest rhetoric masters in history. According to the dictionary rhetoric is “the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.” Cicero was very persuasive, more than most people in his time. When Cicero was a lawyer he attacked a man named Catiline. This attack was in a court. Catiline was a part of the Roman senate at the time. Catiline had his own organizations and because of this people began to suspect that he might overthrow the city. 

Catiline was brought to law because people began to suspect him. When Cicero “attacked” Catiline, he had to use his rhetoric skills to scare him because if people are scared they might give in to what they may or may not have done. Cicero talked for a long time about things Catiline had done which some may not have been true. Cicero was accusing Catiline of being a threat to the Romans and the Republic. Some of the accusations were not specific. If I had been Catiline I would have tried to make Cicero prove that he was telling the truth or for him to give proof. 

It is strange that Catiline never tried to change Cicero’s mind or talk against him. All of the accusations could have been true and he could have not wanted more proof against himself. Or maybe he never got a chance to say any thing because he never got a chance. Maybe he was under too much pressure. He did nothing to defend himself even there were hundreds of thing that he could have said. If I was Catiline I would at least have said something. 

Soon he was banished with his army and he returned and attacked Rome which is what he would have done in the first place. If I had of been Catiline I would have done something to have stopped from being banished. 

This paper is the sixth and the final of these papers. I was told to write about my favorite business from these past five weeks and that is an egg laying business. 

1: Who will I serve in the marketplace? Well I’ll serve the people in the community that don’t want to get eggs from the store every week. Ways I can tell people are putting out fliers or go door to door selling eggs.

2: How will I help them? They might not have the money at that moment for gas and for meals. If they knew that I was selling eggs that’s a quick and easy meal. I would help them by getting them eggs quickly and my eggs would be fresh and healthy. A lot of people feed their chickens bad stuff and don’t let them roam around. That makes less quality eggs.

3: What are the barriers to entry for this service? There are things that could harm or stop my business. Things like the winter. Chickens stop laying when it’s cold, but they lay again in the spring. There is school. Sometimes I couldn’t get eggs to my customers because I’m busy with school. Competition. Other people selling eggs could make their eggs cheaper so people would stop buying from me. And last wild animals. I already have chickens and this is a big problem for me. They eat chickens and their eggs. To be ready for any of this I would have to have a backup job.

4: How will I make money doing this service? This is an easy one. I would sell eggs. I feed chickens, they lay eggs, I collect eggs, I sell eggs to customer, then customer pays me. 

5: Why is this a long-term opportunity for me? If I could make money off this for five years that would be great. Five years is my goal. This is a good job because I would buy chickens every two years. 

I love animals and this would be a great job for me because I’m already doing it.

In this essay I can name two big differences between the Christians and the Greeks. One to the Christians woman is a blessing to mankind. They were created by God so man would not be lonely. To the Greeks woman is a curse to man. She is deceitful and a horrible curse. 

Secondly Christians believe that there is one God that created everything. The Greeks say that there are  multiple gods and you have to worship the right ones or else. These are just two of the many differences between Christianity and the Greeks.

How does the view of ethical cause and effect in history in Works and Days compare with the furies’ view in The Eumenides? According to Wikipedia Hesiod “was an ancient Greek poet generally thought to have been active between 750 and 650 BC, around the same time as Homer.” Work and days was written by Hesiod around 700 BC. 

According to Wikipedia Aeschylus “was an ancient Greek tragedian, and is often described as the father of tragedy.” He wrote many tragedies and only some are still here today. He wrote the play Eumenides. The Eumenides was considered culturally important by the scholars and the Eumenides was also considered to have been published around 458 BC. 

There are two completely different worldviews on ethical cause and effect in these two plays. In the Greek civilization there is some confusion about the gods and ultimate sovereignty. An example of this would be Zeus. Zeus has authority over all of the gods, but only a portion of the earth. Also all of the gods have different powers and control different things. Because of this the Greeks have no idea of which god they should worship. They have to choose a god and hope that the other gods don’t punish them. These two play have their differences and their similarities.

In Work and Days, Hesiod’s father just died and Hesiod’s brother Perses gets the land. Hesiod wants the land, but the court tells Hesiod no. So Hesiod tells his brother in Work and Days how to live a good life. Part of this advice was to not listen the the court, but instead omen’s sent by the gods. Hesiod hopes to gain a large portion of the land from Perses through this. The Eumenides tells that the gods are greater and more powerful then man. Accept they give power to the courts and say man has to listen to it. The statements about the court are similar in some ways and different in other ways. Even though they have completely different worldviews they are somewhat alike. 

A big difference is that in Work and days Hesiod tells his brother Perses to directly listen and obey the gods. In the Eumenides the gods gave man this power. Like I said before there are different in some ways and alike in others.

The business which most intrigued me this week is pet care. Pet care is taking care of other people’s animals while their on a trip or their not going to be back at their house until late at night. People mostly have dogs and cats and fun animals like that. I love animals and I’ll work with lots of different kinds. My whole family (accept for my mom) loves animals. We have a dog, a cat, chickens, ducks, sheep, and a gecko. If I could get all the animals I wanted the house would be covered in them. Genesis 2:15 says “And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” God gave man authority over animals, but that means that we should protect them and keep them safe. 

I love all of our animals. We wouldn’t ever have gotten a cat by ourselves. When I was little I always wanted a cat, but I wasn’t allowed to because mom is very allergic to them. One day when I was a preteen I was feeding my chickens in the backyard and I saw a small golden thing run through our yard. the next few days we tried to catch it and we did. after holding it once it came to our backdoor every day and wouldn’t stop looking through the back window. Parents didn’t want it inside the house and so we started putting a bowl outside with some milk in it. We went outside every day and it kept coming to snuggle us. Then we took it to the vet to see if it had rabies. we found out it was a girl, she was too young to have rabies, she was only about two weeks old when she came to us which is too young to be away from fer mother, and the end of her tail was dead so they cut it off. After that her tail is only half as long as it should be and she had to stay in our house until her tail scabbed. She got used to living in our house so we kept her. Mom isn’t allergic to this cat and she loves the cat, but only when the cat isn’t on the furniture. 

I chose pet care because I feel like it would be a great job for me and I’m great with animals. 

According to Seneca a mans reason is his unique good. The difference between man and animals is reason. A mans reason is to determine right from wrong. Animals are animals because they do not have reason.

The Julio-Claudian principate was a period of Roman emperors which started with Augustus then goes down to Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and last Nero. Right after the Julio-Claudian principate there was the Flavian Dynasty which had the emperors Vespasian, Titus, and finally, Domitian.

What would have been Orestes’ proper course of action, had he been living today? Why? Orestes is a character from the play “The Libation Bearers”  which was written by a Greek playwright named Aeschylus. Aeschylus was born in Eleusis, Greece 6th century and died in Gela, Italy in the 6th century. He was a famous ancient Greek because of the many plays he wrote. One of those plays is the libation bearers which I will write a little about in this paper. He is best known as “Father of Greek Tragedy.” 

“The Libation Bearers” is the second play to a trilogy. The series is about justice solved by a series of blood inside the house of the man Agamemnon. A lot of tragedies take place after the Trojan war and so did this one. The Trojan war affects this play. 

In this tragic play the main character Orestes has to face a difficult decision. His father was murdered and so Orestes swears to the god Apollo that he will get justice and kill whoever killed his father. A short time later Orestes finds out that it was his mother (Clytemnestra) who had killed his father because she had fallen in love with another man named Aegisthus and they had killed his father together. Orestes Doesn’t know what to do because if he doesn’t kill his mother the furies (Spirits the haunt and torment you until you die or fulfill your promise) of Apollo. And if he killed his mother her furies would be upon him. Orestes finally comes to the choice of killing his mother and flees to avoid the suffering of his mothers furies. Either of his choices would of caused suffering, but Orestes chose to avenge his father. 

Back then in Greece if a family member was murdered you had every right to murder the murderer. If Orestes was alive today he would have to take his problem to the court. The court would then decide what to do about Clytemnestra and Aegisthus. They would have gone to prison and that’s all Orestes could do about the murder of his father. I’m glad that today is not like back then because people would keep getting murdered for murdering a murderer.