How would you describe the condition of the Catholic Church on the eve of the Protestant Reformation? According to Wikipedia “The Reformation was a major movement from Western Christianity in 16th-century Europe that posed a religious and political challenge to the Catholic Church and in part to papal authority.” During the Reformation There were horrible thing happening everywhere. Including wars, long torcher, and executions. The Catholic church was much worse though. The Catholic church was lying to people about purgatory, buying your way into Heaven, and you will be blessed by God if you give money to us.   

What were the Ninety-Five Theses about? What was the basic message of Luther’s complaint? Basically the Ninety five theses were complains about ninety five things that the church was doing wrong. The basic message was that people don’t need to pay the Catholic church for anything. 

What can we say about the condition of the Catholic Church on the eve of the Protestant Reformation? According to History, the Protestant Reformation was “the 16th-century religious, political, intellectual and cultural upheaval that splintered Catholic Europe, setting in place the structures and beliefs that would define the continent in the modern era.” A big one was that they took money from people for no reason. At the time people were also torched to death. People were very evil then. 

The Italian War of 1494-1498. According to Wikipedia, “The First Italian War, sometimes referred to as the Italian War of 1494 or Charles VIII’s Italian War, was the opening phase of the Italian Wars.” The Italian war started when Charles VII of France had the idea to invade Italy. The French kept attacking cities, and finally Pope Alexander VI formed the League of Venice. The League of Venice defeated France so Charles VII retreated to France and died. 

We normally think of three people in particular as having been the key artists of the High Renaissance. Who were they? Discuss one major work from each.

Raphael: Raphael was an Italian architect and painter. His greatest work was The School of Athens. 

Leonardo Da Vinci: Leonardo Da Vinci was an Italian painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect. His greatest work was the Mona Lisa. 

Michelangelo: Michelangelo was an Italian painter, sculptor, poet, and architect. His greatest work was The Statue of David. 

Did the literary documents Little Flowers and Late Medieval Literature give guidance in their era as to how a typical Christian should live? The author of this story is unknown, but many believe it to have been written by Father Ugolino da Santa Maria. According to Wikipedia, “Most scholars are now agreed that Ugolino was the author of the Fioretti, or Little Flowers of St. Francis, in their original form. Ugolino was probably one of several collectors of traditions in the Marches. The Fioretti appears to have been written sometime between 1322 and 1328.” The book has 53 small chapters and it was based on the life of St. Francis of Assisi. 

According to Wikipedia “Medieval literature is a broad subject, encompassing essentially all written works available in Europe and beyond during the Middle Ages. The literature of this time was composed of religious writings as well as secular works.” One of these pieces of literature is The Song of Roland. According to Wikipedia “The Song of Roland  is an 11th-century chanson de geste based on ]the Frankish military leader Roland at the Battle of Roncevaux in AD 778, during the reign of the Carolingian king Charlemagne.” According to Cornell College, “Olivier: Roland’s best friend, comrade, and the brother of Aude. He is also referred to as Oliver.” According to Cornell College “Roland: Charlemagne’s nephew and leader of the French army’s rear guard.” This poem twisted the historical event of the Battle of Roncevaux Pass in 778. In the poem there was an invasion of Spain by the ruler Charlemagne to help a set of Muslims to defeat another set of Muslims. Even though this poem twisted the real event in so many ways to the point it made no sense, the Europeans still liked it. 

In little flowers is says that people should be loving and kind, but it says the friars should do this not the common man. In The Song of Roland it says that you should be brave, but also prideful which is wrong. 

Did the literary documents Little Flowers and Late Medieval Literature give guidance in their era as to how a typical Christian should live? Yes on some thing and no to the others. 

Briefly discuss three artists from the early Renaissance as well as one major work for each. One of these three is Raphael. He was from Italy and lived from 1483-1520. His masterpiece is called The School of Athens. 

Leonardo Da Vinci. He was born in Italy and lived from 1452-1519. One of his most famous painting is called the Mona Lisa. 

Last is Tintoretto. He was born in Italy and lived from 1518-1594. His masterpiece is called The Last Supper. 

Did the Little Flowers provide the common man with confidence about his own life beyond the grave? Yes and no. If a common man read Little Flowers he could think two things.

1# “Oh no. I’m not going to Heaven which means I’m doomed in hell and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

2# ” I’m not perfect, so I need a priest to ask me into Heaven. This will save me.”

Both of these options are wrong. You can only go to Heaven be believing that Jesus died for your sins and changing your life skills to ways that please God. 

Some of the key ideas of the Renaissance. According to Wikipedia The Renaissance is a period in European history marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity and covering the 15th and 16th centuries, characterized by an effort to revive and surpass ideas and achievements of classical antiquity. Five main keys of the renaissance are Classicism, Humanism, Individualism, Secularism, and Scepticism. 

Classicism was the sudden interest of classical art. 

Humanism was the idea the you are the center of you’re universe. 

Individualism is the idea that each individual is capable of great things, and should work to accomplish those things. 

Secularism was the idea that you should have the best time you can while you’re on earth. You can do whatever you want.

Scepticism was the idea that made the Renaissance scientists think about their experiments. 

In what ways does Petrarch embody the spirit of the Renaissance? According to Lumen, “Petrarch’s rediscovery of Cicero’s letters is often credited for initiating the 14th-century Renaissance. Petrarch is often considered the founder of Humanism. Petrarch’s sonnets were admired and imitated throughout Europe during the Renaissance and became a model for lyrical poetry.”

If you had been listening to the stories in Little Flowers in 1300, what would you have concluded from them is the way to gain eternal life? The author of this story is unknown, but many believe it to have been written by Father Ugolino da Santa Maria. According to Wikipedia, “Most scholars are now agreed that Ugolino was the author of the Fioretti, or Little Flowers of St. Francis, in their original form. Ugolino was probably one of several collectors of traditions in the Marches. The Fioretti appears to have been written sometime between 1322 and 1328.” The book has 53 small chapters and it was based on the life of St. Francis of Assisi. 

The author of this book made it clear that if you wanted to have everlasting life in Heaven then you would need to live your life in complete poverty. Poverty means that your really poor. You wouldn’t have a house, a job, or money. You would have to do this your whole life if you wanted to get into Heaven. This is not true. The only way to make it to Heaven is to believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for your sins. Many people think that good deeds do this, but they don’t. Other people think that you need to believe in God, but you don’t need to change your life. You need to Believe in God and change your life skill to ways that are pleasing to God. 

If you had been listening to the stories in Little Flowers in 1300, what would you have concluded from them is the way to gain eternal life? I probably would have concluded that St. Francis was right. 

Who was John Wyclif? John Wyclif can be spelled multiple ways like Wycliff, Wicliffe, or Wiclif. According to Britannica John Wyclif was an “English theologian, philosopher, church reformer, and promoter of the first complete translation of the Bible into English.” 

What was the Great Western Schism, and how was it resolved? The Great Western Schism was a confusion in the Roman catholic church. The problem was three men claimed to be the pope. It was resolved when the counsel degraded the popes and made the real one.