The views of Cotton, Winthrop, and Rowlandson regarding the Puritans’ errand in the wilderness.

1: John Winthrop. According to Wikipedia “John Winthrop was an English Puritan lawyer and one of the leading figures in founding the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the second major settlement in New England following Plymouth Colony. Winthrop led the first large wave of colonists from England in 1630 and served as governor for 12 of the colony’s first 20 years.” John Winthrop is probably best known for being the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He’s also known for being a leading Puritan founder of New England. Both of these people were authors who wrote about the emigration to New England in America from Europe. There were many puritans that instead of getting closer to the truth of why they left, some got farther. This is very similar to the Israelites leaving to Canaan. 

2: John Cotton. According to Wikipedia, “John Cotton was a clergyman in England and the American colonies, and was considered the preeminent minister and theologian of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He studied for five years at Trinity College, Cambridge, and nine years at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. John Cotton was the speaker of a speech called “God’s Promise to His Plantation.” In this speech, Cotton talked about how leaving Europe and going to America was a part of Gods will. He also said that America would be free for settlement for the Pilgrims once they arrived. Today, people debate on whether this speech was given before they began their journey, or during the trip. He also regarded their journey like the Israelites leaving for Canaan. 

3: Mary Rowlandson. She was a ministers wife, who like every other woman was expected to keep her mouth shut, obey her husband, and not interfere. However she was kidnaped by Indians and when she returned to her home wrote a book on it. She had a terrible time with the Indians who didn’t treat her well, but she believed that God was keeping her alive. 

Do I have what it takes to become an entrepreneur? What is an entrepreneur? This is a very simple question that I will answer in this essay. According to the dictionary, an entrepreneur is “a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.” What I believe an entrepreneur to be is someone who wants to help the community and is willing to take risks in doing so. They are someone who has an idea that will help the community, does it, and their not always successful, but that’s the risk in entrepreneurship. I believe everyone has what it takes to be an entrepreneur. All you need is a good idea that helps the community, a want to help, knowledge that your business could very likely fail, and some money to start. Let’s go through these statements and I’ll explain why you have what it takes. 

I don’t have any ideas: This is simple. You don’t always need a good idea. You just need to solve a problem in your community. People love when a problem is solved and you can help with that. It could be a product that helps with their everyday life. 

I don’t want to help: Why wouldn’t you want to help?! Luke 6:38 says “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” God loves when we want to help others. It also earns you money. 

I’m going to fail: Yes, it is very likely that you are going to fail. This is because of the government. THEY CHEAT! The government gives other companies protectionism, subsidies, and if they don’t like what your doing they’ll make a law that hurts your business. So yes, the government will make you fail, but it isn’t the only thing. There is also competition. You probably think that competition is a bad thing, but it’s actually great for your business. Competition forces you to improve your business, so make your company better and now you only have to deal with the government. 

I don’t have the money: That is probably true. You may not have the money, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get a loan from the government. You can also ask some people close to you if they can lend you money and you can pay them back when you do well

Solve all of these problems and you may have a great business (if the government doesn’t mess it up). 

How did Cotton and Winthrop view the emigrating people’s connection with the Old Testament? Who was Cotton. His last name was Cotton. First and last was John Cotton. According to Wikipedia, “John Cotton was a clergyman in England and the American colonies, and was considered the preeminent minister and theologian of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He studied for five years at Trinity College, Cambridge, and nine years at Emmanuel College, Cambridge.’” Winthrop’s first name was also John. According to Wikipedia “John Winthrop was an English Puritan lawyer and one of the leading figures in founding the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the second major settlement in New England following Plymouth Colony. Winthrop led the first large wave of colonists from England in 1630 and served as governor for 12 of the colony’s first 20 years.” John Winthrop is probably best known for being the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He’s also known for being a leading Puritan founder of New England. Both of these people were authors who wrote about the emigration to New England in America from Europe. 

John Cotton was the speaker of a speech called “God’s Promise to His Plantation.” In this speech, Cotton talked about how leaving Europe and going to America was a part of Gods will. He also said that America would be free for settlement for the Pilgrims once they arrived. Today, people debate on whether this speech was given before they began their journey, or during the trip. Cotton’s reason for the pilgrims going to America was better employment, their own colony, business opportunities, and freedom to choose which religion to have. In England, they were being forced to have the religion that parliament wanted them to have. 

Winthrop was in charge of the Puritan fleet sailing to America. He wrote about the problems of not knowing what to expect when arriving in America. 

Both Winthrop and Cotton spoke of the Old Testament commandments when they spoke to the puritans and their journey was similar to the Israelites journey in the Bible. 

How does making a budget reduce impulse shopping? According to, “A budget is a plan you write down to decide how you will spend your money each month. A budget helps you make sure you will have enough money every month. Without a budget, you might run out of money before your next paycheck.” A budget is extremely helpful. Adults budget and kids budget. Budgeting helps you save money and buy things you need instead of junk. Adults use budgets to better take care of their family, pay for taxes, and make sure they have enough for whatever else they need. Kids use budgets to save up for college, a car, a family, and other thing that they’ll need for the future. 

According to Verywell Mind, “Impulse shopping involves buying items that a person was not planning to purchase.” This happens almost every time I go to the store with my mom. We go in for five things and we come out with twenty. Women do this almost every time they go in a store. Because of this, they don’t get everything that they need and go into debt. This is where a budget comes in. With a budget you can get everything that you need and have some leftover for yourself. People don’t budget for multiple reasons, one of which is because they think it’s too hard. It’s really not. Every time you get paid you need to set some money aside for taxes, some for food, some for supplies, and any leftover can be for yourself or you can save up. 

So how does a budget reduce impulse shopping. A budget helps you save money. If y make a budget, then you’ll have an excuse for not buying everything you see. A budget will save you money and time. A budget stops people from spending everything on what they want, and so it stops impulse shopping. 

Was Bradford’s account a morality tale for future generations? Who was William Bradford? William Bradford was an emigrant to Plymouth Colony in 1620. While in Plymouth, he wrote a book called Of Plymouth Plantation. According to, “ This book focuses mainly on the journey of the pilgrims from England to North America and discusses the founding of the Plymouth settlement. It gives his opinions on the biblical importance of the pilgrims reaching America and their struggles. The second book was not completely finished because of Bradford’s death.” This essay is about Bradfords account. This book was Bradfords account. Because of this, I’m going to simplify the book for you. 

this book begins with many Europeans fleeing England because of persecution. These emigrants fled to Leiden. Leiden is across the ocean from England in the Netherlands. Anyway, the emigrants stayed in Leiden for twelve years. While they were there, they had a debate of whether to stay or not. They chose to leave and hired a ship and some left Holland. Apparently at Southampton, the promised supplies were less than they expected. So they had to sell supplies to gain one hundred pounds. When they were about to start one of their ships the Speedwell had a leak, so some of those people boarded the mayflower while the rest went back to London. The Pilgrims landed at Cap Code and spent November there. In December they sent ten men to scout to find a better place to stay. Some Indians attacked the men, but they scared them away with their guns. Nobody was hurt. The ten men soon found a harbor and told the others. The pilgrims moved their and built a storehouse and a small house. Half of the pilgrims died by then because of no food, the cold, and a disease called scurvy. And now for the part that everyone knows. Squanto and Samoset arrived. Squanto lived in England for a time because he was kidnapped as a kid. At England he learned English, so he was the translator for everyone. They showed the pilgrims how to hunt, farm, and fish. Soon the chief Massasoit arrives and makes a treaty with them. Then the pilgrim started getting threats from local Indians. This forced them to build a wall and soon a fort. While this happens, Bradford becomes governor and their harvest is sparce. And then another ship arrives. The pilgrims are scared that these new people will eat all their food, but the new people are scared that the pilgrims will eat all the food that they brought. They solve this problem by everyone eating their own food. The pilgrims then stated to trade with England using wampum for trade. The Indians noticed this and started doing the same. The king of England made a law to not sell guns to Indians. Captain Wollaston and Morton. Wollaston moves to Virginia, but Wollaston stays and sells guns to Indians. He was told to stop, but he didn’t. Captain Miles Standish is forced to take him back to England. In 1632 the region became very prosperous. 

Was Bradford’s account a morality tale for future generations? In a way yes it is. 

Is it worth my time to get a part-time job at the minimum wage? First the benefits of a part-time job. The pay. In Illinois the minimum wage is $13. This money can be used for college, a car, or saving up for something you’ve been wanting for a long time. Another benefit is the practice. Businesses will be more likely to hire you in the future if you have practice working. Now for the disbenefits. Time. You may not have time to go work. This may stop you from getting all your school done. You also might not get to spend time with your friends as much as you want to. My schedule is pretty busy, but there aren’t just part time jobs. There’s babysitting, yardwork, and pet sitting. These are all really easy and I can make time if I want to do one. I think that a part-time job is worth it. The more money I get right now the easier it will be to pay for college. An easy part-time job is lifeguarding. My brother is a lifeguard and he says that it is easy, but boring. He loves the pay though. When I can, I’ll try to be a lifeguard where he works. The time is hard, but I can just make my schedule fit with the rest of my day. I don’t know if you would like a part-time job, but it will be worth it if you can make your time fit, 

If the state regulated garage sales, would poor people be better off? A garage sale is where someone realizes that they have too much stuff and want to get rid of a lot of it, so they set up tables in their front yard and put the stuff they don’t want on it with prices. They will set up signs in the neighborhood leading people to their house. This helps the people buying, because they could get something for a lot cheaper than they would at a store. The seller gets money and more space in their house. My favorite part about garage sales is that their not state regulated. This means that the state isn’t involved. Would poor people be better off if they were? NO! The state will want to set prices too high. They will send someone to keep an eye on you to make sure that your not doing anything they don’t want you to. They will make you pay for their help even though you don’t have a choice if they come or not. he only good thing is that they might send over the police to make sure that nobody robs you. Not all of these apply to poor people, but they could all happed if the state gets involved. If the government prices things too high, then the poor people are not better off. 

Why is the information that I learned in the two past weeks not covered in American history textbooks in high school or college? What did I learn over the past two weeks. I first learned about the Oronteus Finaeus Map. This is a map of Antarctica with no ice. We are taught that the first map of Antarctica was made in the 1900s, but this map was made thousands of years earlier. I also learned about the Los Lunas Stone, the Bat Creek Stone, and the West Virginia Cave Inscription. Barry Fell who was a invertebrate biology at Harvard and expert at ancient languages concluded that Europeans came to America thousands of years before Columbus did. This caused a feud because people were so attached with Columbus first that they didn’t want the truth. These languages started getting found all around the world, so it was concluded that Fell’s idea of Europeans coming before Columbus was confirmed. Fell wrote books about these languages and pre-Columbus visits, so soon the world knew about it. 

Why is none of this information covered in American history textbooks in high school or college? One of the big reasons is that since people were lied to for so long that they forgot. Teachers knew once, but they didn’t tell their students. Soon enough people just forgot about these ideas and are now teaching lies without even knowing it. The people that do know about the truth think that they’ll lose their job if they teach the truth. And they might, because those in charge of them believe that Columbus came first. The students also don’t care either way. They don’t think that this will affect their life in anyway, so they accept the lie and don’t look into it. 

Which book was more memorable, Cabeza de Vaca’s or Las Casas’s? Cabeza de Vaca’s book is Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America. If you have time to, then read my other essays that I put a link to and skip this paragraph, but if you don’t then read this very short overview of his book. 49 years after Columbus found America 400 Spaniards and 80 horses set sail to go there. The ships were hit by a few storm and landed at a Florida bay. The governor was on one of these ships. The governor wanted to go inland and Cabeza de Vaca said no, but his idea was overthrown. While they were going they were attacked by Indian tribes, A third of them got sick, then they reached a river. They build small boats there to get inland faster. Down the river they found Indians to trade with. Soon they reached the Mississippi river, but they couldn’t get across because of the current. The governors boat was separated from the group and others sank. Cabeza’s ship capsized when they reached an island, so they went home with a group of Indians that found them. A lot of Spaniards died from cold and when they reached the tribe a lot of Indians died from the Spaniards diseases. They blamed the Spaniards and killed some of them. A different tribe helped them escape and there they healed people. The Spaniards started healing people from different tribes as they kept going. At one tribe they found a man who had a Spaniard belt buckle. They asked him where he got it and he said that he took it from a Spaniard who killed two Indians. Cabeza went to the place where the Spaniards where they wee enslaving Indians and convinced them to stop. They went to Mexico to get a ship to go back to Spain and only 4 out of all of them survived. That is the very brief overview of the story. 

Now for Las Casa’s book A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies. This is more of an account of the horrific things that happened in the New World. Things like murdering Indians, enslaving them, taking them to Europe to serve as slaves, and much other horrific thing like this. It was the summary of all the thing happening in the New World. That may not sound horrific to you, but imagine that it was your family that was being enslaved. 

Which book was more memorable, Cabeza de Vaca’s or Las Casas’s? I think that Cabeza de Vaca’s book was memorable. I enjoy survival more than torture. 

Would I rather sit in first class, or have the choice between the first-class fare and the coach fare? I bet that I already know what your answer is. First class. First class seats in America are usually around $1,300 dollars, which is very expensive due to inflation/price control. Is $1,300 dollars really worth a few hours of luxury. According to Business Class Experts, “First class is great, and can make long flights luxurious and enjoyable. However, the price that comes along with all the fabulous amenities is a lot of the time, less than desirable. The truly luxurious first class cabins are available only on limited routes.” So the ride is better, but the price is terrible. Now what about Coach fare? Coach fare is not as expensive as first class, but it’s still more expensive. According to Longman Business Dictionary, “coach fare American English a standard air fare that costs less than the first class fare but is more expensive than the cheapest fares. Most business fliers travel on full coach fares that are readily acceptable for travel on any available flight.” So if you haven’t already chosen, What do you choose now? If price wasn’t a problem, I’d chose first class. But since it is I would prefer Coach fare. It’s only a few hours, so I can suck it up. It’s better to spend less money and have a not to good time than to empty my bank account and have a few hours of luxury.