According to “We all face moments in our lives when we must make decisions that will determine which way our lives will go. These moments are called turning points. Some people experience many turning points in their lives, while others only experience a few. For someone, it might be stopping smoking after being told that they have lung cancer. For another person it might be choosing to start wearing a seat belt after getting into a car accident where they were injured because they were not wearing a seat belt. Maybe your turning point was a spiritual turning point, like mine was. Let me tell you about it.”

A turning point in my life not a major turning point just a normal one was when I started using Instead of using ACE paces I started to do school on the computer. It is different because I now instead of tests I have to write papers which is what this is. It is hard for me though because this paper is for ninth graders an I am only in seventh grade. I think that Ron Paul Curriculum teaches you more than normal school would though. At first I thought that Ron Paul was hard and boring but now I get taught a lot more than I would if I was still doing ACE.

Trusting Jesus as my Savior also changed my life forever. I don’t remember how or when I trusted Christ as my Savior like my brother Owen as you can see in his paper but I do remember that I did. My brother Owen writes in his paper that after he trusted Christ as his Savior he stoped having nightmares. That is the same for me accept that whenever I go to bed hating someone or being really mad I have nightmares. We go to AWANA every Wednesday night and Trail Life every Monday night. Those are really fun.

If you have any kids that haven’t had any major turning points they could probably have some soon, or if you are a kid yourself and had any you could probably have some soon. All grownups probably already had some. I hope that you learned something about major turning points in this paper and I hope you liked it.

The following are three instances of fire in the Bible. In Acts 28, Paul is bitten by a serpent driven from a bundle of sticks by fire. Moses sees God in a burning bush in Exodus 3. In 1 Kings 18 when Elijah challenges the fake prophets to see which god or God could bring fire down on an alter.

How is fire a curse and a blessing to mankind? Fire can help us cook stuff, get rid of stuff we don’t want, and keep us warm. On the other hand fire can hurt us, get rid of stuff we do want, and kill us.

God uses fire to describe His presence. In Exodus3:2 Judges 13:20 God used fire to show Moses that He was there. He uses fire to describe His passion in Hebrews 12:29 by describing Himself as a consuming fire. Purity in Acts 2:3-4 when He describes the Holy Spirit as a flame of fire.

Man’s ability to start, sustain, and control fire changed the world by we can kill bad stuff in food by cooking it. We can have warm food. There are forest fires in California. We can be tortured.

What I remember most from “A BUS OF MY OWN” is when Jim Lehrer is telling the story about when he was a child playing on a pinball machine. Jim’s dad and a friend went to go get something to drink so his dad gave him a coin to go play on the pinball machine. He goes to play on it but as soon as he starts it he regrets it because he has to go the bathroom. He never won a game before, but then he won for the first time ever! He kept playing and playing and playing until he won so much games that he peed in his pants! He did not want to go to the bathroom that he thought that if he left the machine somebody would come by, see all the games won, start playing, and then not believe Jim if he told him if it was his games that were won. He won more and more games until he saw his dad come in that he got so scared that he ran for the bathroom as fast as he could. His dad went into the bathroom and told Jim to come out cause it was time to go but if he did not want to talk that was fine. His dad was still talking when Jim rushes out and runs some blocks away. I remember that story because in my opinion it is the most funny story in the book. If you have kids tell them to read this story or read “A BUS OF MY OWN.”

From the book A BUS OF MY OWN written by Jim Lehrer, Lehrer did a lot of bad things like smoke, eat unhealthy, and getting angry. One morning he woke up and wasn’t feeling well. that was a heart attack. Thankfully he survived or this book wouldn’t be written and that heart attack also changed his life. I will give a list of things that Lehrer changed about his life in this paper.

Fritos, cheese Whiz, chili, pepperoni pizza, Milky Ways, Butterfinger chips, peanut butter (chunky); hamburgers with fries, tuna-salad sandwiches with fries, bacon-lettuce-and-tomato sandwiches with fries, fried chicken with fries, barbecue ribs, beef and/or sausage with fries; Dr. Peppers, chocolate chip ice cream, butter brickle ice cream, real potato chips, cottage-fried potatoes; scrambled egg with melted cheese, green peppers and onions; chocolate milk shakes, corn dogs, chilly dogs; biscuits with butter, waffles with hot maple syrup and butter, pancakes with hot maple syrup and butter; salt, fudge, black coffee, and pastrami sandwiches with mayonnaise are a list of bad foods that he ate before his heart attack. After his heart attack he started eating foods like carrots and celery sticks with nonfat yogurt dip, melba toast, vegetarian baked beans, cute little tips of raspberry’s and strawberries and blueberry’s, apples great glasses of orange juice, decaf coffee, water cornbread, green beans, peas, peas!, spinach casserole, caffeine-free diet soda pop, unbuttered and unsalted popcorn, toasted pita bread, oatmeal, oatmeal! Over half of all of these foods I listed are good, but not all healthy.

The main reason for his heart attack I think was that He smoked a lot. Instead of throwing away the butts of cigarettes he kept them in a shoebox to get a whiff out them later. He was so dedicated to smoking that he smoked his pipe in the ambulance to the hospital! After his heart attack on his list of things he would or wouldn’t do was smoke.

He also wrote down in his book that he would work out. He worked out in the hospital work out room every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In his list he wrote down that he would take a nap every and never get angry again. He also made a list of bus signs that he would go after. They are Overland Greyhound, Bowen Motor Coaches, Southeastern Stages, American Bus lines, and Dixie-Sunshine Trailways. Charlie Berman and Harry Smith were two kind people in the hospital that helped Lehrer. After his heart attack he was a completely good and changed man. My brother Owen Pitts wrote a paper like this last year in 2020 when Lehrer died. I hope you liked this paper.

Typically an employer only wants to hire someone if they have experience. People with experience have a better chance than people that don’t. You can go here to get the information I am telling you. Starting your own business gives you experience across a wide range of skills. One of these skills is loans, financing, and cashflow. This involves Learning how to keep your cash in your business, find out about alternative ways to borrow money, lower your energy cost, learn about ways to deal with bankrupt customers, and learning the laws about customer credit. Another skill is selling goods and services. this involves find out the best way to sell your products, understand the basics of consumer credit laws, and decide whether its better to lease or buy your business equipment. There’s also legal matters. This involves finding out how to handle business disputes, know whether you need to hire a lawyer, and learning about your states Small Claims Court rules. There is also marketing and working with customer’s. This involves finding out how to increase customer recommendations, improvement to grow your business image, creating ads that stay within the law, knowing how to target the right customers, and being creative in your marketing. One other thing is insurance. This is finding out about possible ways to save money on your business insurance and knowing how to make a claim if you suffer a loss. I hope this information helped you, but if your just reading for the fun of it I hope you liked this paper.

One event that changed my life and is still changing my life is corona virus AKA covid19, that came from China. It started in 2020. Halfway through the month of March our whole State of Illinois shut down accept for hospitals, pharmcies, and grocery stores. I couldn’t go to church, Awana, Trail Life, the park, the mall, the library, the zoo, or restaurants. It was a terrible summer. We also did school all summer. For 2 months we had to watch school on the computer. When stores did finally open up again, you could only get inside by wearing a mask, which are not comfortable. In September we finally got to go back to Awana and Trail Life. A few months later my grandparents got covid, but they were totally fine. Our household never got it though. I don’t think people should be reacting this badly. The flu is much worse than covid. Some people aren’t even scared of it. The government makes people scared of it so they will get more power.

During covid my uncle Alex moved away to Virginia to be a police officer because he couldn’t be one in Illinois. My dad’s uncle Tarek helped him get accepted into the police Academy in Virginia. I felt really sad and I wanted him to come back immediately. It was lonely without him and even more because he came to my house a lot. We talked on the phone a lot with him but it wasn’t the same. He visited us during Christmas though. While in Virginia he met Rachel and they are now engaged. We got to go to Virginia in March for his graduation from Police Academy. We could not attend the actual graduation in person because of covid, but we were able to watch in online at Alex’s apartment. We all, my family, my grandparents, aunt Erin, her kids (my cousins), Alex and Rachel, went to Mount Vernon. We caught a lizard while we were there and my sister, Liberty, accidently pulled off its tail! Alex and Rachel got to come visit us this summer for the 4th of July. We went to a park to see fireworks and while we were waiting we went to the playground. My little cousin Addy who was 3, pooped in her pants and went down a slide. Poop got all over the slide. Because it was dark, we didn’t know that it had happened and so we went down the same slide and got poop all over us. It was disgusting! We also visited Grant’s Farm and Raging Rivers. We had a really fun visit! I still miss him, but I’m glad that he met Rachel and is now getting married this November!

This summer, 2021, my parents decided to start looking for a new house. We found a new house that was 3 times as big as our old house and it was right near our land, The Shire! We spent all summer packing boxes and fixing up our old house. People finally wanted to buy our house. So Owen and I helped move a third of the heavy stuff when it came time to move into our new house. I love our new house but I miss our old one.

     The Lion of the North begins when Malcolm Graeme rescues and leads Captain Hume and Colonel Munro and their men to safety. They were trying to get to Nigel Graeme, Malcolm’s uncle. They were in Scotland to gather 3,000 to 4,000 men for a Scottish army, to join Sweden in fighting against Germany. The Germans were persecuting the Protestants in Germany. Nigel joins the fight and brings his nephew, Malcolm, along with him.

     These same four men boarded a ship and were shipwrecked during a storm. Out of the wreckage they built a raft. A nearby castle sent them supplies. There was a small battle at the castle but, they won. After another battle, the men of higher ranks realized how brave and calm Malcolm was while fighting.
     Malcolm survived another battle in New Brandenburg but, all his troops were killed. A kind family disguised him as a servant. While disguised he heard the enemy’s secret battle plans, the Imperialists. He knew the King of Sweden needed to know these plans so he decided to make his way back to camp which was halfway across the country.
     On the way back to Sweden Malcolm encountered the enemy. They thought he was a young German boy looking for work. Instead of letting him go they took him to their camp and made him their cook. He escaped that same night and made his way towards Glaglu, which supported Scotland and Sweden. The village of Glaglu was attacked, but the villagers won with Malcolm’s help. Malcolm then made his way to his outfit and reported to Colonel Munro what he had learned. Colonel Munro immediately took Malcolm to see the King, Gustavus. Gustavus gave Malcolm a promotion because of his modesty, prudence, and forethought. 
     Malcolm came down with a fever and went to a quiet village to recover. While there he got word that the village of Mansfield would be attacked, so he gathered men and went to Mansfield. The count of Mansfield accepted Malcolm’s help and introduced Malcolm to the countess and his daughter. The enemy came and told the count to surrender. He didn’t and Malcolm and his men slaughtered them all. The count and countess gave him gifts to say thank you. Malcolm and his men met up with Colonel Munro and he was pleased. In another battle, the Saxons joined up with the Swedish and Scottish armies and together they beat the Imperialists.
     During another battle, while Malcolm was bandaging a friend who had been wounded, he got shot in the leg. Thankfully he recovered. King Gustavus wanted to capture the city of Oppenheim, but it was on the other side of the Rhine River. Malcolm found a boat, took some men and sailed across the Rhine at midnight. They defeated the Spaniards who were supposed to have been guarding the shoreline. Because of this victory, the King was able to take the castle and city of Oppenheim. 
     Malcolm was given some time off from fighting. He spent his time with the Count and Countess of Mansfield. While investigating a fire a peasant woman struck him on the head with a mallet. Malcolm escaped, freed four other Scottish men, stole food, and was forced to hide in a church tower because the peasants wanted to burn them. The next day Malcolm looked out the window and saw men and women with farming equipment to attack them with. The peasants tried to get in the church tower, but nothing they tried worked. Their next plan was to blow up the door, but before they could the Swedish armies came and rescued them.
     In between battles, Malcolm learned the trade of clockmaking. At the Siege of Nuremberg, King Gustavus fell into a trap. Half of his army fell because of this. Colonel Munro was severely wounded during this battle. Malcolm was not injured in this battle and was still trying to help the King. Malcolm, the King, and an entire army went to help the city of Saxony, Germany because it was under attack. During this battle, King Gustavus was killed! The king was shot in the shoulder, then the back, and finally the head. Both sides lost around 9,000 men.
     The next morning, Malcolm returned to the battlefield and was shot and left in the cold all day and all night.  Some soldier friends found him and carried him to the surgeon. He pulled the bullet out of Malcolm but told the soldiers that he wouldn’t survive. Miraculously Malcolm did survive! The Count and Countess of Mansfield came to the camp to visit Malcolm and to offer to take him to their castle for the spring to recuperate. He had two happy months in Mansfield with his friends. He then rejoined the army.
     After Malcolm left, the Imperialists took the city and castle of Mansfield. They took the count, countess, and their daughter as prisoners. The countess sent word to Malcolm that they needed help. Malcolm left immediately to rescue them. When he found the countess, she asked him what his plans were to rescue her daughter, Thelka. Malcolm told the count and countess his plan, and they agreed. Thelka dressed up as a boy while Malcolm used his skills of clockmaking to change all of the clocks in the castle. He did this so the enemy guard wouldn’t know what time to take Thelka out for fresh air. He tricked two people, bought a wagon, covered Thelka with straw and sacks, and drove away. He was stopped by enemy soldiers and asked if he knew anything about the escape of Thelka. He lied, and said, “No”, then successfully escaped with Thelka. He went to another village, rented two rooms, and got a job working with clocks.
     Wallenstein, a high ranking German officer, hired Malcolm to fix the clocks in his home. Wallenstein was impressed with Malcolm’s work and invites him to live in his home with him. He did not know that this clockmaker was Malcolm Graeme from the Scottish army. While there, Malcolm overheard a plot to overthrow Wallenstein. Malcolm revealed his true identity to Wallenstein and told him about the plot made by his own men. He thanked Malcolm and allowed him to take Thelka and get help.  Malcolm found Colonel Munro and told him all that had happened. He left Thelka with Munro and went to find the Swedish Chancellor, Oxenstein. Oxenstein told Malcolm to return to Wallenstein and tell him that they were sending aid. Sadly, help did not arrive in time and Wallenstein was killed.
     During Wallenstein’s attack, Malcolm was also captured. He managed to escape and made his way towards the Scottish army and told them about Wallenstein’s murder. He then went with his troops to fight against the Spanish. This was the final battle. The Scottish and Swedish army won and the Protestants of Germany were safe. After Malcolm recovered from the final battle, he and Thelka got married and lived a long and happy life together.

One day I woke up. Owen and Liam were at school, Dad took Thain and Libby to a party then went to work, and Mom was sick. I fed my animals and Thain’s fish. After that, I ate breakfast then started my homework. Mom got up at ten o’clock and I had one more pace left. Mom asked me to clean the house because some people were going to check the house for termites. I finished my pace in fifteen minutes then started to clean the living room. Half an hour later, I started on the dining room. I finished at eleven o’clock then cleaned the bathroom just in case.

I was making mom lunch at twelve, then someone knocked. I answered the door and a man asked me where my mom was. I told him she was sick and he said he would just start. I shut the door, finished making mom’s lunch, then gave it to her. I made my lunch and while I was eating, I saw the truck drive away. At two-thirty, mom told me to ride my bike to school and bring Owen’s and Liam’s bikes too. I rode with them to school and brought Owen and Liam home. They started their homework while I went to check on mom and found out she was fine. At four-thirty, dad brought Thain and Libby home. We had an early dinner, and I went to bed early.

One day Hank got hit in the head with a club. When he woke up, he didn’t know where he was. He saw a young girl and a castle. He followed her into the castle and gt sent to jail. The King, King aurther said he was going to be burned two days later. Hank knew the next day was the eclipse, so he asked to be burned the next day. The next day they put him on a post and he pretended he was a magician and pretended to block out the sun. They were scared and asked him to let the sun shine, so awhile later he said he would and the eclipse was over. They soon named him The Boss.

A couple days later, a woman named Sandy came to the castle and said she was going to free some princes and princesses. She said they were at an orge’s castle. The king told Hank to go with her and when they got there, Hank found out they were pigs and went back to the castle with them. Sandy and Hank got married and had a daughter and named her Hello-Central.

The King and Hank disguised themselves as peasants to see what the phesents’ life was like. They found a house with a disease, met some children, and almost got hanged. They went home and found out some people were going to attack them. Hank set up an electric fence and killed some people. At the end of the battle, Hank got sick and slept for a few days and when he woke up, he was with Dandy. He was about to die, so he held Hello-Central one last time.

One day I was playing in my backyard. I was swinging, then I jumped off. I landed on the ground, but instead of seeing my house, I saw the Ark!

It was strange. Did I get sent back in time? I saw animals going into the ark and I saw Noah preaching. I also saw people laughing at Noah and the Ark. None of them would go on the ark because there had never been rain. I was the only one who did.

Noah’s family, the animals, and I got on the Ark and then it started to rain. God shut the door of the Ark, so no water would get in. All the people were sorry that they didn’t believe, but it was too late. Everyone drowned and the rest of the animals did too. The sea animals did not go on the boat because they could swim. In the Ark, I worked. I fed the animals, I watered the animals, and I helped cooking the food. It rained for forty days and forty nights. When it stopped raining, Noah sent out a dove, but it came back with nothing. the next day, he sent the dove out again and it came back with the branch of an olive tree, so Noah knew there was land. The next day, he sent out the dove one more time and it did not come back. Then Noah knew the dove made a nest. A while later, they were on a hill. God opened the door, and Noah and his family made an alter. I was thirsty so I got a drink, then in front of me, I saw my house. I was home! I went inside and told them the story, but I don’t think they believed.