First Booker T. Washington was a black man born into slavery. He made enough money to go to school for a little bit and after school he made his own school. He got a lot of money and soon he became rich and famous. Through all this work he made his point of view which is if African Americans make something that people need or if people can not live without something they make, that person should be treated fairly and be a part of society. In Booker T. Washington’s book “Up From Slavery” he quoted “The individual who can do something that the world wants done will, in the end, make his way regardless of his race” He also wanted all African American’s to be free from slavery and to be treated fairly in what they do.

The answer to the title of this paper is yes. I do agree that black people should be treated fairly in what they do and if they make something it shouldn’t be rejected it should be used. If I lived back then when slavery was happening and I was in charge of slavery I would release every slave and make them all free men. I’m sure that Booker T. Washington would agree with what I am writing down. I believe that his view of the future and my view of the future are the same, but all this does not mean that people not African American should be treated unfairly. I hope that all of you people who reads this paper can agree with me.

Let’s say that I read thirty minutes a day and two hundred words per minute. Somebody would have to persuade me that a spreeder would help me read faster at four hundred words per minute. I’m fine reading for half an hour a day but I would buy a spreeder for under twenty dollars. To persuade me somebody would probably have to get to know me for me to buy a spreeder.

A spreeder would help me get done with school faster and help me finish books that I’m reading for fun faster. I would buy a spreeder from my friends, but not from somebody who just randomly walked up to me. Persuading me can be hard, but for some people it could be possible. they would have to work a lot to persuade me. Don’t get any ideas to sell me something, it won’t work. I might buy a spreeder though to get done with school faster.

First what is an elitist program. An elitist is someone that is rich so an elitist program is when people are using a lot of money for things. My answer to this question in the tidal is no. Booker T. Washington was not rich but there were a lot of rich people helping him and he was a hard worker. Hard workers are better than rich people, but you can be both by getting rich by hard work. Washington became rich by generous donations and that made his school successful. Because Washington was a hard worker he taught the kids to be hard workers too.

Let’s say that I own a egg laying chicken business that makes eight hundred a year with fifty chickens and two dollars a dozen and I want to sell my business. My first goal is to find someone that is responsible enough to take good care of animals while making money. If I can find one of those people I will sell him half of my chickens for about two hundred dollars. After that I will buy twenty meat chicken chicks. For a year while still making money with meat chickens I will fatten up my meat chickens and butcher them. I will sell one chicken for thirty dollars. From that I will have made six hundred dollars and more with my egg layers. To make my business bigger I will use my money to buy more egg and meat laying chickens. I will eat some of my meat chickens and eggs. You don’t need to work at big companies or stores to make a lot of money. Small businesses can earn you just about the same amount of money as you would working for a big company. All you need to do is a lot harder work than you would as a cashier.

One of the parts I remember from Washington’s book is when he was a kid looking to earn some money. He saw the captain of a ship and his crew unloading some cerates so he went and asked if he could help them unload and in return a descent meal. The captain was pleased with Washington’s work and asked Washington if he could help him for a few more days. Washington accepted and with the money he earned bought a meal. He described it as the best meal of his childhood. After a few days Washington went off with the money he earned to school.

Another part I remember from the book is when Washington is trying to get into school. The woman who he is talking with told him to clean a room. Washington swept, and dusted, and cleaned laundry multiple times each! When the woman went in the room she could not find one speck of dust and so she told him that he could join school and if he was janitor cleaning could be half of his payment. He gladly accepted. Washington was so good at cleaning because where he came from he and a few other slaves were taught to clean.

One of the more sudden parts I remember from the book was when Washington was starting a school. He had to pay a few thousand dollars for a house and property to farm. He sent a letter to a friend and his friend sent him back a lot of money. To pay for the rest of the land he and his students made a bake sale and asked for donations. their first animal donation was a blind horse. In five months they made five hundred dollars! Once an old woman came to them and said that she had no money, but she gave them six eggs which were her savings. A big surprise that happened for me and them was that two old women sent them six thousand dollars for every year from twelve to fourteen years!

These are the three stories that I remember the most from Washington’s book. In all of these stories Washington was being diligent. It might of been because he was a hard worker for his master as a kid or because he knew what his goal was and worked toward it, but I think it was because God put it in his heart to do it. Work in your life to be diligent and your life will go better for you.

Three time-allocation changes that could increase my productivity the most are making a wake-up schedule, making a school schedule, and making a free time schedule. A wake-up schedule cold help me all day because if I wake up early I can plan the way I am going to do the stuff that day by making schedules. I could get school done quicker, get chores done quicker, and that will get me more play time.

By making a school schedule I get done with school way quicker. I eat lunch at noon so if I wanted to get school done before I eat lunch I could set my alarm clock for seven thirty, wake up, eat breakfast, then start school at eight and finish early. A wake-up schedule could help a lot in this because if I wake up early I can get school done quicker.

If I make a free time schedule that means I could get more or less time to play, it depends. If I got school done before noon that means I could have more time to play. I could also work on cleaning the house and make things. A wake-up schedule means that you could get done with school quicker which means that you can have more time doing what you love to do.

Washington’s arguments against the slave system were that slavery was a bad system, ex-slaves were better off as free men but still struggled, ex-slaves needed work and a work ethic, and that ex-slaves needed far better education. First that slavery was a bad system. Washington thought that slavery was a bad system because he thought that slaves should be free and have good work and good houses to live in. I agree fully with Washington, but in my point of view of what he said slaves should have a right of to what they choose to do and have work of their own. Slavery is also a bad system because the slaves were punished sometimes even just for the fun of it. That is wrong.

Slaves are better off free, but they still struggle. Slaves are better off free because they aren’t punished, they don’t have to work so hard every day, and they get the sleep they need. Although they aren’t treated like other people outside of the property and they don’t get jobs that easily unless they go up north. If I could of been in charge of all slavery back then I would free all the slaves and let them live good lives. The slaves deserved good lives and good people helping them.

Slaves need a good job and a good job ethic. Slaves when they were slaves worked well and hard diligently. They need good work to get money so they can get food to eat. Without money or at least a permanent home someone’s life can be horrible. I would of given slaves good work and good money back then. Slaves also needed school to learn to do stuff like to read, to make a job, and learn math to count money. I hope you agree with me.

For starters I could cut out some time of electronics. I am not one of those people who do electronics 24-7 but I do plenty. If I cut out some electronic time I could do stuff like working on school more, cleaning, and looking for a small job that I could do. To clean for an hour that wouldn’t be that hard for me. It would just mean getting to get the house cleaner and it would actually do something instead of just sitting around all day watching TV.

Also if I want the house to be much cleaner all I have to do is cut out some time on my favorite hobbies. That will defiantly get me more time to clean. cleaning is very important in this house. Although when parents are sick I need to put away what I’m doing and take care of the house. Just think that if your house is dirty you can stop whatever you are doing and clean. Cut out things that are not important in your life and do something important in it. Take my advice cut out inefficient things and put in efficient ones.

I have read many books for in the twelve years that I have been alive, but none have affected my lifestyle’s as much as the Bible. The Bible has taught me many things like why Jesus has died on the cross for my sins, how people became to speak different languages, why there is sin, what things are right and wrong, what commandment’s we need to follow, to love your neighbor as yourself, and and that Jesus is coming back to earth for us. From all these examples and more I came to believe Jesus Christ as my Savior and that He died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead three days later.

The Ten Commandment’s are I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any gods before Me, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day, Honor thy father and mother, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, and You shall not covet. All of those can be obeyed by loving your neighbor as yourself and put God before everything you do.

In Genesis:11 someone said “Let us build a tower to the heavens so that we may be with God” and everyone agreed. When God saw this He was angry so He confused everyone’s language so that everyone went to different parts of the earth. That is why everyone speaks different languages like English, French, Spanish, Greek, Chinese, Russian, and Aramaic. I don’t know what all the languages in the world are, but I know that there are thousands.

In the book of Revelation it tells how Jesus will come bake to earth in the clouds, The Believers who are dead will go with Him first, then the alive Believers will rise into the clouds. One point of view is after that there will be a seven year party in heaven while on earth the devil will be in control then when those seven years are over Jesus will have His final battle with the devil and win. Though no matter what the turnout will be that Jesus wins.

Hellen Keller’s “prison” was blindness and deafness. She got them from a disease. If you are blind you can hear things so you know some things around you. If you are deaf you can see and most likely not kill yourself. If you are both of these you are just sunk, but Hellen Keller wasn’t. When somebody can’t hear or see you can’t really learn so you can’t speak either cause you don’t know how to. Just being blind or deaf you could be able to learn how to speak but both gone it is almost impossible. You can learn though to speak through your hands and your mouth. somehow it is possible to place fingers on someone’s face in specific places and understand what they are saying. If you are deaf and blind someone can place their hand on yours and do sigh language. You still have to learn that they have a meaning though. First incident that led Hellen Keller out of her “prison” was learning to communicate.

With Anne’s help Helen learned to communicate by using hand signals. It started when her teacher spelled a simple word in Hellen’s hand. She continued from there teaching Hellen more and more word’s so that she could communicate with her teacher, her family, and other blind and deaf people. Hand signals helped Hellen out of her “prison” but it didn’t stop from there.

Next Hellen was taught to read. Hellen’s teacher thought that reading would be a big help in Hellen’s life so that she could do school and learn. I don’t really know how blind people read though so I can’t tell you otherwise I would. Learning to read was a really big step in Hellen’s life because it helped her in school, learning, and enjoying things.

Hellen Keller was an extraordinary woman and is a famous one too. She met other famous people and helped people with her autobiography. And even though she was deaf and blind, she was the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. I think that she was an amazing person. I am so glad that I had the chance to write about her.