In what area of my life would I prefer ‘first come, first served’ to ‘high bid wins’? ‘First come, first served’ is just whoever arrives first gets the product. It’s what we have at our grocery stores. First one to get to the store gets what they want. If you arrive late, then you may not get what you came to get. ‘High bid wins’ is like an auction. Whoever decides to pay the most gets the product. 

I prefer ‘First come, first served’. Why? There’s a lot of problems with ‘High bid wins’. What is someone who really needs something arrives late, or doesn’t have enough money? It makes their lives harder. With  ‘First come, first served’ everyone has a chance to get what they want or need. It makes it fair. In what area of my life would I prefer ‘first come, first served’ to ‘high bid wins’? I would keep everything the same as it is now. Stores are ‘First come, first served’ and auctions are ‘High bid wins’. 

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