The views of Cotton, Winthrop, and Rowlandson regarding the Puritans’ errand in the wilderness.

1: John Winthrop. According to Wikipedia “John Winthrop was an English Puritan lawyer and one of the leading figures in founding the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the second major settlement in New England following Plymouth Colony. Winthrop led the first large wave of colonists from England in 1630 and served as governor for 12 of the colony’s first 20 years.” John Winthrop is probably best known for being the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He’s also known for being a leading Puritan founder of New England. Both of these people were authors who wrote about the emigration to New England in America from Europe. There were many puritans that instead of getting closer to the truth of why they left, some got farther. This is very similar to the Israelites leaving to Canaan. 

2: John Cotton. According to Wikipedia, “John Cotton was a clergyman in England and the American colonies, and was considered the preeminent minister and theologian of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He studied for five years at Trinity College, Cambridge, and nine years at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. John Cotton was the speaker of a speech called “God’s Promise to His Plantation.” In this speech, Cotton talked about how leaving Europe and going to America was a part of Gods will. He also said that America would be free for settlement for the Pilgrims once they arrived. Today, people debate on whether this speech was given before they began their journey, or during the trip. He also regarded their journey like the Israelites leaving for Canaan. 

3: Mary Rowlandson. She was a ministers wife, who like every other woman was expected to keep her mouth shut, obey her husband, and not interfere. However she was kidnaped by Indians and when she returned to her home wrote a book on it. She had a terrible time with the Indians who didn’t treat her well, but she believed that God was keeping her alive. 

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