Is it worth my time to get a part-time job at the minimum wage? First the benefits of a part-time job. The pay. In Illinois the minimum wage is $13. This money can be used for college, a car, or saving up for something you’ve been wanting for a long time. Another benefit is the practice. Businesses will be more likely to hire you in the future if you have practice working. Now for the disbenefits. Time. You may not have time to go work. This may stop you from getting all your school done. You also might not get to spend time with your friends as much as you want to. My schedule is pretty busy, but there aren’t just part time jobs. There’s babysitting, yardwork, and pet sitting. These are all really easy and I can make time if I want to do one. I think that a part-time job is worth it. The more money I get right now the easier it will be to pay for college. An easy part-time job is lifeguarding. My brother is a lifeguard and he says that it is easy, but boring. He loves the pay though. When I can, I’ll try to be a lifeguard where he works. The time is hard, but I can just make my schedule fit with the rest of my day. I don’t know if you would like a part-time job, but it will be worth it if you can make your time fit, 

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